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Freshly ground coffee with croissants or cakes.

Serverd from 9am - 12pm.


Tea & Cakes

Freshly Ground Coffee & Homemade Cakes

Shortbread Biscuits
Fruit Scones
Eclairs Cakes
Cherry Bakewell

Served from 2:30pm - 5pm (Mon - Sat)

Wedding Fayre

From Tuesday 21st February to the 25th February, why not come along to see what we have to offer at our wedding fayre. Open all day.

Mothers Day

Sunday 18th March 2012, bookings now being taken.

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Contact us DIRECTLY:

The Baskervilles Hotel,
Phone: +44 (0)1778 560 010
Fax: +44 (0)1778 561 147